By Lana Kizilarslan (USA)
For almost five decades, I was a devout Christian. Once I reverted to Islam I was hesitant to wear hijab. My inner fear would say “what will your family, friends, colleagues, etc. think?” In southern California you can go an entire day without seeing anyone in hijab. During Ramadan 2013, I made the decision to wear hijab, and I do not regret it ever. Although I was mocked and hated by some, I learned that you will never please everyone. My duty is to please Allah–not man. I am freer now than I have ever been. I am proud to be a hijab-clothed Muslima. Alhamdulillah!
and we are proud of you
May Allah (swt) bless you with good and success in this life and in the Next, ameen! What a beautiful message, and may Allah (swt) strengthen you Imaan and goodness!