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If I wear Hijab again he would rip it off my head
World Hijab Day

If I wear Hijab again he would rip it off my head

By Maria Seymour (USA)

I reverted  to Islam three years ago. I’ve wanted to wear hijab since then but was always scared of my parents not allowing it since my dad has such a hatred toward Islam. I asked their permission in September 2013 because I didn’t want them to be offended if I just started wearing it. I was so happy when they said I could. I felt so safe and good about myself since I was following what Allah (swt) commanded us to wear. Being covered and modest is such an amazing feeling.

I had began to get so attached to my scarves. I wore it until December when they told me I wasn’t allowed anymore. My dad said since I live in a “Christian household”, I can’t be all covered. He said he didn’t like it because it was bad for his reputation and if I wore it again he would rip it off my head. So I stopped wearing hijab.

In June 2014, I decided I care and fear Allah (swt) way too much to not to wear hijab. My dad is scared to be mistaken for Muslim because MY hair is covered. God is and always will be most important. I put my hijab on at the bus station when my parents drop me off and when I’m done with doing things I return to the bus station and take it off. It sucks wearing it in secret but its worth it; knowing I’m pleasing our Creator.

View Comments (8)
  • Hijab in our religion is a duty that every girl should wear it , it will protect us from the monsters (the men that have an ambitious desire of sex and bad things ….etc) , you’ll feel so comfortable deep inside your heart by wearing it and like what you’ve said pleasing our creator , our God . May Allah brighten you way my sister and don’t you ever lose confident in God he’ll always show you the suitable way .

  • Greeting from Thailand my sister in Islam,
    Your story made my day!! Keep up your good work. You made the right decision, the only person You need to care is Allah. May Allah bless you dear.

  • tell your dad that the Bible says you should cover
    corinthians 11. (King James Version)
    5-6 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven . 6 For if the woman be not covered , let her also be shorn : but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven , let her be covered .
    10 For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels.
    13 Judge in yourselves : is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?

    respect & love

  • Wow you’re beautiful mashallah! And your story is soo inspiring. It’s similar to the people during the time of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when people were scared to practice due to their parents and families.
    Allah knows what is in your heart and mashallah you are so strong!!
    May allah reward you for everything and for everytime someone sees you wearing the hijab <3 Ramadan mubarak

  • I am always so happy to hear stories about young women who find Islam and return to Allah keep strong and keep on the strait path don’t worry about your mother or father worry about the day of judgment
    My parents are Muslim and they didn’t let me wear the hejab and I fought to wear it in the end and now I can’t imagine my life without it and I regret that I ever listened to them in the first place. You have to listen to your parents and treat them rightly Islam makes it obligatory but with one condition you can not go against the word of Allah swt so if your parents tell you you can’t wear the hejab you can’t listen to them

    Do it at your own time and when your comfortable but you need to confront them and tell them if there reputation is all they care about then they are running after peoples acceptance and not Gods acceptance if they are Christians that is fine but you are Muslim and you are there daughter and always will be and they are going to have to accept you the way you are

    and you are a lovely girl and Allah loves you <3


  • Why not show him photos of the “virgin Mary” and other saintly women and engage him in a dialogue?

  • Hello sister, I have no right or place to tell you what to do because I’m not a scholar but since your father said that it is a “Christian household” explain to him that in the Bible it say in:
    1 Corinthians 11. (King James Version)

    5-6 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven . 6 For if the woman be not covered , let her also be shorn : but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven , let her be covered .

    10 For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels.

    13 Judge in yourselves : is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?

    And if he beliefs in Christian values he will respect your decision in wearing a hijab. I’m sorry I don’t know a better answer but I hope that this helps you. May Allah bless you and your family. As-salamualaykum. Peace

  • don’t stop wearing hijaab just because of your father said i understand what you’re going through i reverted to Islam two years ago and I’m trying so hard to get my father to understand Islam

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