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“Religion is in the heart, not in hijab”
World Hijab Day

“Religion is in the heart, not in hijab”

By Linda (French, originally from Algeria, living in Dubai)

I’ve decided to wear hijab about 10 months ago. I must say, it was a difficult step to take. As days passed by, the more I was feeling something in my Deen (religion) was missing. It was INCOMPLETE. The more knowledge I acquired about Islam, more I  gravitated towards the idea of Hijab. In my heart, my reasoning  was pure for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.

Primarily, I wore it every Friday and kept it on throughout the day even after Jumuah (Friday) prayers. That was my beginning.  Suddenly, one morning, I woke up telling myself, ‘today is The Day’, Subahan’Allah, ‘you go out with it and you will never remove it, In’Sha’Allah (God willing).’

I have never felt so proud in my entire life to be a Muslim woman. It’s an amazing feeling to wake up every day and to please Allah by our actions and character.  When adapting to hijab, the day to day attitude starts to shift slowly. I have more patience and I am more at peace. Even if covering our body and hair is only for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, we also have to show people that we are better people, with actions. It’s Dawah (conveying the message of Islam), I will say. 🙂

Some of my family and friends didn’t really approve of my hijab. They have the following objections; ‘Deen is in your heart, you don’t need to wear hijab.  How would you get married if you wear hijab now? You will remove it soon.’ However, after some explanations on WHY I did it, people who truly loved and cared for me for who I am, started to understand the real reasons.

Today, I don’t ever see myself without my hijab. It became part of me, my identity. Hijab is the beauty of all muslim women in the world. This is strength and an honor to have been guided and to wear it every day, Alhumdulilah. I wish that for all my sisters.

If I were to give an advice to the sisters, it would be, step by step change your wardrobes, organize your clothing and the intention to wear your hijab, make up your mind once and for all, JUST DO IT. 🙂 All for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. And always remember to keep the smile. You can’t imagine how many sisters you will influence. 🙂 May Allah guide us all to the right path, Ameen.

May Allah forgive us our minor and major sins.  May Allah bless you all. I love you all, my dear sisters for the sake of Allah.

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