By Morjina (UK)
I was born in Italy and in my city I was the first girl to wear hijab. It was a difficult moment for me to fit in a society where hijab is considered useless. I argued everyday with everyone about the importance of my religion. I was bullied and even isolated from the most in my city. It continued like that for 8 years. Then many Muslim girls followed me as an example and started to wear hijab. I am very happy that I took the initiative to wear the hijab there. Now I live in the UK, a place where Islam is praised and accepted by majority of population.
MashALLAH very nice story Morjina (UK) you are very brave and wise . I saw your photo and looked twice SubHanALLAH you look like my daughter Sarah . I am American Muslim and my daughter Sarah father is from the United Arab Emirates and that is where Sarah is living . You sound brave and confident like my daughter too MashALLAH . Here is my facebook link Rose Larcom https://www.facebook.com/keyboard1234 JazakiALLAHU Khairan very much for your lovely Hijab story . We have problems here to in the U.S.A. unfortunately. I wear my Hijab and my daughters we have had our share of rude people , but Alhamdulillah we remain like you steadfast to ALLAH swt .
Sincerely Rose Larcom from the U.S. State of Ohio . Peace and Prosperity for you , your loved ones and All