By Megan Baase (USA)
I’ve always been interested in Islam but until I heard about world hijab day, I didn’t know much. After reading what Islam is about and why women wear hijab, I decided to convert. I still have a lot to learn but I believe I made the right decision. I would’ve never learned about Islam if it weren’t for world hijab day. My four year old son asked if he could wear hijab at home today to be just like mommy. I couldn’t say no!
You certainly do have a lot to learn. The Koran is a manual for terrorists, and Islam is a totalitarian cult. Read the Koran from cover to cover and you will realize the truth.
It is wrong to presume that Islam is terrorism. It isn’t, and terrorists are an extremist group and most Muslims do not want to be associated with them, in the same way that Christians do not want to be associated with the Klu Klux Klan.
Extremists interpret the Qu’ran wrongly and use it as an excuse for fighting. It is also unfair to say that Megan Base can’t be a Muslim if she wants to…it is her choice and we should respect her for this. World Hijab Day is an important event that can help in stopping prejudice around the globe and if it raises awareness, that is good.
This is D’awah for the real. I envy Nazma Khan. Brethren Please take that bold step.