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Honest Confession of a Hijabi
World Hijab Day

Honest Confession of a Hijabi

By Faaria Ansari

Hijab has always been a piece of cloth to me. An accessory. An accent to an outfit. Nothing more. Before I knew it, it became my passion. I became obsessed with hijab. The meaning behind it and more so, the empowerment it held. Hijab has saved my life in every aspect. It’s changed my character, my personality, my behavior, my thoughts, my opinions, essentially my being. It has encouraged me to become the best possible human and Muslim I have the potential of becoming.

I’ve never been very religious. A few prayers when I remembered but for the most part, I was scared of Islam. I was scared of all the things I’ve done wrong, I never thought to ever make them right. Wearing the hijab has taught me the beauty of Islam. It has handed me satisfaction in myself and for all the right reasons.

Hijab doesn’t limit power or encouragement or success. It excels it. It teaches you to beat the odds that are set against you and even those beyond. It teaches you to never settle in being comfortable but stepping out in all different unknowns, remembering that Allah (swt) will only give you challenges He knows you can overcome. Hijab has given me a certain confidence I couldn’t find in superficial or materialistic categories. It has granted me a proud shield I carry ever so gently in my daily life and I am forever grateful for it. I am humbled, I am grounded, I am fearless.

I am a proud Muslim and for the first time in my life, I can honestly say I mean it with every single atom that Allah has astonishingly created. I am human and I want the world to know, I’m no different than them. I have the same ambitions, dreams and fantasies. I want the world to see that Islam is not about fear. It’s about love. So many different types of love, the most complex brain could not comprehend its realms. The only thing that makes us different is a piece of cloth. But if only they knew the virtue it holds.


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