
Hindu Hijabi: I feel strong and empowered

By Adreena (Hindu, California, USA) I love wearing a hijab.  I feel very beautiful. Even…

Endure patiently with a beautiful patience

By Sarah (Australia) Coming from the country side in Australia, I was never exposed to…

I was spit on for my Hijab

By Kyla McRoberts (USA) Last year, World Hijab Day was a sociology class project for me.…

It’s not just a hijab, it’s our key to Paradise

Ayraah Ameirah (Singapore)  The day I decided to cover my head with a scarf and…

A walking billboard for Islam

 Anonymous (Algeria) My story is no different than many other women converting to Islam, but…

My journey from 7th day Adventist to Islam

By Habiba Harun (New Zealand)  I was raised by my seventh day Adventist mother and…

I felt sad that I have delayed in wearing the hijab

My name is Nora Jasmine and I am a Chinese revert from Singapore, a multi-racial…

An extremely long journey for peace and tolerance

By Nadia Alshaer The decision to wear the hijab came at a very young age for…

If I wear Hijab again he would rip it off my head

By Maria Seymour (USA) I reverted  to Islam three years ago. I’ve wanted to wear hijab…

Pastor in Hijab

By Adrienne Anne Hickman I am a Christian minister in America.  Although I don’t always wear…