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My husband completed the half of my faith
World Hijab Day

My husband completed the half of my faith

By Fatima from Panama 

I was born in a mixed-religious family (my father is Jewish and my mom is a Christian). I was a Christian in the eyes of the Jews and a Jew in the eyes of the Christians…So I decided not to label myself and just started to tell people that I believed in God and I didn’t need a religion to prove it. Back in high school, I had to do a research on the topic of women in Islam, though at that moment the only image I had was of a woman getting beaten up by her husband thanks to my neighbor who used to do that. I later found out that I was wrong, women do have rights in Islam, perhaps a lot more than in any other religion and that there are bad men everywhere regardless of their faith.

4 months later, I woke up one day wondering what would happen if I became a Muslim. So I decided to go to a mosque. When I was there, I heard the most beautiful thing I had ever heard in my life. I asked the Imam’s wife what that was and she told me it was her husband reciting the Quran. That day, I came back home as a Muslim, Alhamdulillah. I thought converting was the hardest part, but it wasn’t.

I tried to follow Islam correctly, but no matter how covered I was or how much I studied, it seemed it wasn’t enough for some people. After a year, I got tired and took off my hijab. I started to walk away from my faith. Somehow the hijab was a constant reminder of who I was now and kept me closer to my faith. I tried to wear it again but my parents won over this and I failed.

Last year I met this wonderful guy who was so religious, generous, and wise…I felt I had to try harder. I thought that if he could do it then I could do it too. I started to pray and study again. And most importantly, I now feel the same way as I did when I first listened to the Quran. He is now my husband, and I could never thank him enough for being so supportive and for making a better Muslim. Alhamdulillah (All praise to Allah) for him and for many other things. Thank you for reading this. May Allah SWT (All-Praised and Exalted) bless you.

View Comments (6)
  • very nice i read your whole story that was awesome i proud of you. May ALLAH bless you and shower u his mercy. keep it up. my best wishes are with you.

  • Happy for u brother and sister, may Allah make your life better and grant u success and happiness

  • Alhamdulillah am feeling so happy to read Ur story …..
    No doubt ISLAM is the right way in all religion…

    .I’m a Muslim by birth ….But still sometimes I thought about other religions of this world….
    I take a matter and search it in view of all religions like Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam

    And I always reach the point that Islam is right in this matter ….

    My pray to Allah is He (Allah) always keep you on this right path
    Give you more and more success in your journey to Islam and help you to understand Islam

    In-Shah-Allah one day you will complete ur faith……

  • So beautiful story my sister in Islam, May Allah bless you both and shower you his mercy , keep tight in your rope to Allah , that is the ultimate success in duniya and Next , Allah blessed you with your husband say Allhamdulilah am so happy to hear sister so good to her husband.

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