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My Five Ramadan Goals
World Hijab Day

My Five Ramadan Goals

By Hafizah Choudhury

One month before Ramadan!” said my 13-year-old daughter and I started to look at decor inspiration. This year, because I have a newborn, I let her decide how she wanted to decorate with the help of her 6-year-old sister. We spent days planning and looking and on the Sunday before Ramadan, we were finished with the decorating.

I often wonder why I decorate and why I make such a big fuss over it. I do it because it’s such an amazing month. We are so excited when it arrives. The thought of wasting any second on this blessed month hurts the heart. My friends and I use the term, “purify your intentions” and some may not understand it, some may even find the term offensive. (I said it to someone once and they got very upset). What we mean by this is, “Check your intentions so that whatever you do, you are doing it for Allâh’s sake.” It is important to say this and do this consciously, with your heart and mind, aiming to be rewarded by Allâh.

Photo: Hafizah Choudhury

Moreover, it is a challenge when so much we do is lacking real thought or reflection when Islam has clear reminders. We could reflect for the sake of our children; we could do it to motivate others, we could do it because it looks good, enhancing the beauty of the holiday. In all of these cases, we get what we often intended – the satisfaction of others, but we need to remember it’s for Allâh.

During Ramadan, I consciously remind myself to check and to purify my intention. When I’m cooking, I would say, “Allah, reward me for preparing iftar for the ones fasting.” When I give iftar to someone, I’d say, “Allah, reward me for giving others food.” So this became my first Ramadan goal!

This year, in particular, I took photographs of my children in celebration of Ramadan and shared it with family and friends. I want them to really understand how special Ramadan is and can always be. May Allah bless my children, Ameen.

Photo: Hafizah Choudhury

Then, it made me think of the “evil eye,” some may call it “nazar” or “ayn.” It is when someone sees your endowment or even hears about it and has a bad intention as a result: Ibn Abbas reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The evil eye is real. If anything could precede the divine decree, it would be preceded by the evil eye. When you are asked to perform a ritual bath, then do so” (Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2188).

My third Ramadan goal is to recite a du^â’ every morning and evening, praying to Allah for the protection of my children and my husband. The du^â’ is: “Allaahumma das-sultaani l’Adheem. Wa manni Qadeem. Dar-RaHmati Kareem. Waliya lkalimaati taammaat. Wad dawaati mustajaabaat. Aafiyy (name or names of the individuals praying for) min anfusi ljinni wa l’ayooni l’Ins.” In Arabic, it is:

دعاء للحفظ من الحسد ومن العين

اللهم ذا السلطانِ العظيم

والمَنّ ِ القديم

ذا الرحمةِ الكريم

وَلِيَّ الكلماتِ التاماتِ والدعواتِ المستجاباتِ عافني

مِن أنفُسِ الجنّ وأعينِ الإنس.

٣ مرات صباحا ومساء

My fourth Ramadan goal is to give charity everyday of even £5 so that we are rewarded for every day we give rather than giving a big sum on one specific day, but also to give on Laylatul Qadr. We do not know which day it may fall, therefore by giving it every day, you can guarantee you will give it on Laylatul Qadr and what better day to do than on this day!

Lastly, my final Ramadan goal is to finish my housework one hour before iftar and make a long du^â.’ It is said that the du^â’made on this last hour of fast is most likely to be accepted so how can we miss this opportunity?!

I hope my goals have helped you, slightly, if so make du^â’ for me. And Allâh knows best.

About the Author:

Hafizah Choudhury was born and raised in UK, Birmingham. She is married with two beautiful daughters and a son. She is a secondary school science teacher in Wiltshire, UK in a small town called, Calne. In her spare time Hafizah tutors science, including Chemistry A level and she has passion for teaching and learning Islamic studies. She really enjoys singing and was part of a nasheed band back in Birmingham, and looking to start a nasheed band in Wiltshire.


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