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Muslim change-makers in liberal arts
World Hijab Day

Muslim change-makers in liberal arts

Press Release May 18th, 2022
For immediate release
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On Friday, May 20th at 9:00 am Eastern, on our Facebook and YouTube channels, World Hijab Day Organization (WHD) will commemorate International Muslim History Month (IMHM) by presenting an educational and interactive  discussion on Muslim change-makers. This week’s talk will focus on individuals from history and current times related to Liberal Arts. Through this discussion, we will present the background of various individuals, recognizing what they were known for creating and what impact and legacy they leave on us to this day.

Our compelling speaker for this week will be Eman Eshmawy, MA, MUP, PhD AB.  Ms. Eshmawy is an adjunct Professor at Fordham University. She is also an urban designer/planner and infrastructure economist focusing on US and MENA region national policy.

 Emie has rotations at various federal agencies including the Library of Congress, State Department, and HUD. While in DC, Ms. Eshmawy assisted in rule-making regarding the mortgage crisis of 2008.

Ms. Eshmawy holds a Masters of Urban Planning from New York University and a Masters of Arts from the American University in Cairo. She has a BA in Political Science, History, and Global Studies from the University of Minnesota. Her research focuses on infrastructure economics and urban design in the Arab states.

This discussion is the third of a series of four. The remaining presentation will take place on Friday, May 27th, 2022, and will focus on Muslim Change Makers in Discovery (i.e., inventions, exploring & innovation).

Celebrating its second year of ‘International Muslim History Month,’ for the month of May 2022,  International Muslim History Month (IMHM) has already been recognized by the New York State in resolution J718. Our theme this year is Muslim Change Makers from Golden Age to Modern Times, using the hashtags: #HearOurHistory & #MuslimHistoryMonth. 

Founded in 2021 by Nazma Khan, the CEO and founder of World Hijab Day Organization, the mission of this initiative is to dismantle Islamophobia globally by celebrating Muslim history.  Worldwide, Islamophobia is at an all-time high from the public sector to the private sector and systematically apparent in the government sector.

  • According to the American Muslim Poll 2020, 60% to 62 % of Muslims face discrimination in the United States of America. This number has been consistent for the last five years. [1]
  • The 2020 Annual Report of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) revealed that 61% of Muslim students have experienced religious-based bullying. Additionally, 33% of Muslim students have altered their appearance, behavior or names to hide the fact that they are Muslims. [2]
  • A EU Minorities and Discrimination Survey found that on average, one in three Muslim respondents faced discrimination and prejudice in 2017 and 27% fell victim to a racist crime. [3]

WHD Organization holds the opinion that education and awareness are the sources to dismantling hate. The goal of this global initiative is to have the world come together to learn more about and celebrate the accomplishments of Muslim men and women from the past and the present who have shaped humanity as we know it.

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👉For Community Guide, click here.  

👉Join the Facebook event here.  

Let’s dismantle Islamophobia globally by learning, honoring, and celebrating Muslim history!

For more information, visit  

For media inquiries, please get in touch with us at 


[1] ISPU. (2021, February 5). American Muslim Poll 2020: Full Report. Institute for Social Policy and Understanding.

[2] CAIR Massachusetts (2020). 2020 Annual Report, Council on American-Islamic Relations Massachusetts.

[3] “Muslims in the EU: High levels of trust despite pervasive discrimination,” European Union Agency For Fundamental Rights, September 21, 2017.

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