“Fasting and taking the 30-day hijab challenge for Ramadan was life changing and I’m grateful. Alhamdulillah.”- Ashley Pearson (Arkansas, Revert, USA)

“I accepted the #Hijab30 challenge because I see a certain prejudice still against the women who wear their hijab!”- Maslla (Christian, Brazil)

“I’m participating in Ramadan #Hijab30 challenge because I want to show people from Russian-speaking countries that they have got the wrong opinion about Muslim women and that they are very friendly and lovely, and not scared women who are constantly at home watching children. 🥰” – Catherine Valler (Orthodox Christian, Belarus)

“The 30 days Ramadan hijab challenge made me realize that no matter where you are, just wear your hijab because we are doing this to please Allah and no one else. People making hijabis feel awkward will eventually stop when they’ll see that their actions do not change our way of dressing up.” – Tasneem (Muslim, Mauritius)

“The 30 day Ramadan hijab challenge by World Hijab Day Organization helped me to fully become a hijabi. Growing up I was often confused as to whether I would want to wear the hijab or not. Like all throughout my elementary to high school life, I would wear the hijab at school and no where else. Then I thought what was the point. 3 years ago after completing my first year at university, some tragic things happened in my life and I was unhappy. I was unhappy because I felt that I was losing sight of myself.
With the rise of Islamophobia, I got scared as a Muslim who was typically a « part time » hijabi. One day, prior to ramadan, I came across the 30 Day hijab challenge, and I thought why not. So during that time in Ramadan I wore the hijab and got closer to my faith. As I wasn’t able to fast during Ramadan that year due to health conditions, I practiced my faith more sincerely through reading Quran and making dua. In the midst of wearing hijab, I began to feel comfortable and saw direction.
With all the horrible things happening around the world especially in Muslim countries, I can’t help but think that only Allah can help all of us. By participating in the 30 day hijab challenge, I became more aware of my faith, and started to become empathetic with those who wear the hijab and face hardships around the world, but are humble.
So because of these reasons, this is how this challenged helped me. To be closer to my iman (faith) and to remember that we can’t control everything tragic in our lives and only Allah is the one who can decide our fate.” – Fariha, Canada

“I used to not wear the hijab. I took the 30 day hijab challenge in Ramadan 2014 when I was pregnant with my first baby. After 30 days, I asked my husband what he thought if I continued wearing it. I’ve been wearing it ever since. Alhamdulillah.
Thank you World Hijab Day for this initiative!” – Ashikeen, Malaysia

“I’m participating in Ramadan #Hijab30challenge because I want to support women who wear the hijab. Women should be free to decide to wear the hijab or not – and both decisions are important and deserves respect.” – Maria Virgínia (Non-Muslim, Brazil)

“I decided to take the #Hijab30 challenge because nowadays many people that believe we, Muslim women are oppressed especially because of our choice to wear the hijab. They think that we are not empowered to choose our own appearance when it is actually quite the contrary. I view wearing the hijab as a way to liberate myself from stigma that we are forced to cover up.⠀
In this holy month of Ramadhan, I decided to take on this challenge, as a person who does not wear a hijab on a daily basis. I want to challenge myself to experience the daily life of being a hijabi.” – Ayue, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

“I’m taking part again in Ramadan #Hijab30 challenge because it’s more important than ever to peacefully spread awareness about the the many reasons we wear hijab. World Hijab Day does a wonderful job doing this, and encourages women worldwide to participate and learn firsthand how wearing hijab feels, what treatment we sometimes receive, and really opens the eyes of a lot of people that would otherwise remain ignorant of the hijab to us. I have to say that I am not Muslim myself, I am Kemetic Orthodox, but I wear hijab daily as part of my devotion to my faith.” – Siobhan Welch (Kemetic Orthodox, Arkansas, USA)

“I’m participating in #Hijab30 challenge because since I don’t usually wear hijab but it’s the month of ramadhan so I hope by doing so I would try to take it as a challenge and I’ll be able to slowly change for the better, insyaAllah.” – Farisha Ilyana, Malaysia

“Taking up the #Hijab30 challenge is such an exciting feeling. I always wanted make hijab a part of my life but I’ve been failing due to my own reasons and by taking up this challenge, I hope I’ll be able to become a hijabi for life. I admire my fellow sisters who practice hijab so well. It would be a dream come true if I could too.” – Sania (Doctor, India)

“I decided to take the #Hijab30 challenge because I want to support all women. We are beautiful, talented, and unique and we want to uphold the traditions and teachings of whatever religion we are apart of. I just want us all to live in harmony and respect each other.” – Shandra Newby (Christian, USA)

“After 30-Day Ramadan Hijab Challenge of #Hijab30, I feel I am much calmer and composed. The hijab is only one of many ways to stay true to who you are. Some people get tattoos with their favorite quotes, words, or images. Don’t be fooled by the physical aspect of such reminders — these things are never about how we look.⠀
I see hijab as more than just for religion, for Muslims, but more of to bring everyone together for solidarity.” – Zalekha Yazid, Malaysia

“I decided to accept the challenge #Hijab30 because I love to wear the hijab. I’m a Christian, but after all, the mother of Jesus wore the hijab. I’m a person who loves people and not intolerant of any religion like some people are. If I could, and if it’s not uncomfortable for the Muslim sisters, I’d wear the hijab forever!” – Laessa, Brazil

“I took on the #Hijab30 challenge to wear hijab during Ramadan because I support women. I support freedom of religion. I support tolerance. I advocate for sisterhood in all ways and any form. I am proud to stand in solidarity with Muslim women all over the world.” – LaDonna Lee (Non-Muslim, USA)

“I accept the #Hijab30 challenge to tell my sisters all over the world that we are one. I am happy with your happiness, and cry when you cry.” – Zariyat, Moscow, Russia

“When I started wearing niqab for Ramadan for the #hijab30 challenge I had no idea I would love it so much. Having been pretty much the opposite of hijabi my whole life up until 6 months ago I really did not understand the concept at all until recently and it was a total revelation for me. For the first time in my life that I can remember when I started to wear hijab and now niqab I can walk down the street without feeling sexually objectified and that my worth as a woman is intrinsically linked to how aesthetically pleasing/sexually gratifying I appear to men. Non Muslims so often mistakenly believe that hijab is a symbol of women being oppressed when the opposite is true, it’s modern fashion ideals that pander to the sexual desires of men that are oppressing women in society.” – Ameena (Convert, UK)

“I always wanted make hijab a part of my life but I’ve been failing due to my own reasons. so by taking up #Hijab30 challenge, I hope I’ll be able to become a hijabi for life.” – Zatul, Malaysia

“This is my 2nd year taking the #Hijab30 challenge. I decided to take the challenge to try wearing the hijab for 30 days and at the same time to take this opportunity of this holy month to correcting all my behaviour and attitude in becoming a better muslimah. Insyaallah maybe this will be an opportunity to learn wearing fully hijab in the future.” – Elanie Aidid (Actress, Malaysia)

“Thank you for the #Hijab30 challenge which makes me more confident in this wonderful month masyaAllah. Before this, I wore hijab when I went to some Muslim events only. But now I feel like I will wear it forever InsyaAllah!“ – Helina, Malaysia

“Alhamdulillah, I am a newly converted Muslim after taking part in #Hijab30 Challenge. After reading the basics of religion and exchanging experiences with my Muslim friends, made me sure of my way. I feel wonderfully happy wearing hijab, plus protection and respect for Allah. With #Hijab30 challenge, I asked Allah to guide my way for the hijab to be part of my life.⠀
Last Saturday I had the experience of going out wearing the hijab, I even thought it would be something challenging, but no, I made my way quiet, no one was rude or I felt excluded.” – Ana, Brazil

“3rd year participated in the 30 day Ramadan hijab challenge. So happy I did. ⠀
I take the challenge every year to let my sisters in faith know that I see and appreciate them, that they are not alone in living their truth and that I love and support them… enough to at least visually walk in their shoes.⠀
It’s important in this day and age to show my Muslim friends that they have an ally in me.” – Kayla Hajji (Mormon Christian, USA)

“I wanted to participate in the #hijab30 Ramadan challenge to support my Muslim friends and sisters. There have been and continue to be too many tragic world events and policies made concerning women and their right to choose hijab or other forms of expressing themselves that hurt my soul. I want to wear hijab to show that I support all those who are marginalized in society today. I hope to show that just because I or others cover our hair I am still a human being worthy of respect and love. I also wear this with the hope that people will one day realize there is nothing to fear in a piece of cloth.” – Deanna (Non-Muslim, USA)

“The experience of wearing a hijab after taking the #Hijab30 challenge has been an eye-opener for me. Since I am not used to wearing the hijab in my daily life, I was not aware of the extent of the social harassment these Muslim women constantly face.” – Pamela Zafred (Non-Muslim, Brazil)
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