By Maryam Salimabadi (Australia)
In the name of God. Once upon a time I fell in love with the Creator of the universe and this love gave me hope, happiness and LOVE. I know whatever He asked me to do is something good for me and I think the easiest one was hijab. Knowing that one day I am going to meet my lover gives me strength and patience. The outer hijab has encouraged me to practice the inner hijab which is the hijab of my tongue, my ears, my eyes and so on. May God increases his love in our heart every second insha Allah.
Mashallah good. May Allah bless u sister.
My lover??
He has no lover! you may say someting less personal. He loves you, of course and you love him, yes.. but can He be called someone’s lover? thats too personal and in that sense Jesus is His son doesnt sound too far off!
these r just the thoughts that raced through my mind upon seeing the word “lover”. I really like the whole idea behind the words and i feel you really strong sis.. its just that lover is very much like father and the personal descriptions which bring Him to our level as human and our love to Him is supposed to be to glorify him far beyond human adjectives 😉