New York State Governor recognizes World Hijab Day

It is said that “knowledge is power”: World Hijab Day presents an opportunity for us to learn about this religious custom, thus leading to less discrimination for the women who wear Hijab.
I call everyone to demonstrate religious freedom by exercising tolerance and embracing the richness that diversity brings. When we show tolerance we recognize universal human rights and the fundamental freedoms of others.
Our commitment to religious freedom must be congruent with our actions: We need to stand together to counter religious intolerance and hate.-
Senator Roxanne J. Persaud
( 19th Senate District, New York State)

“This is a day to recognize the millions of Muslim women around the world who choose to wear the hijab and live a life of modesty. It’s also an open invitation to women of all walks of life to wear a Hijab and stand in solidarity with Muslim women,” said Chang. “Culture and faith are meant to be shared, to educate each other and understand one another. World Hijab Day calls for a universal understanding of Islamic faith and practices, and to develop a stronger communal bond within our society.”
[Senator Stephanie Chang (D-Detroit)]

Given the current climate, World Hijab Day is of even greater importance. We must stand up and clearly say that women have a right to choose what they want to wear — whenever, wherever, and however. World Hijab Day is an event that we should be proud of celebrating, not just for religious tolerance but for women’s rights around the world.”
Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh
(SNP MP for Ochil and South Perthshire)

With hate crimes against Muslim-Americans tripling in 2016, it is important we take this moment to stand together with our fellow Americans on World Hijab Day. Rooted in the American principles of religious freedom and liberty, the World Hijab Day movement seeks to end the discrimination and judgment that comes with wearing a hijab.”
David Weprin
New York State Assemblyman – District 24

World Hijab Day is not an act of worship but rather an effective way to create global awareness of the issue that is being attacked unfairly. It has achieved some great success already. Alhamdulillah.”
Mufti Ismail Menk
World Renowned Mufti Zimbabwe
May Allah bless you and this effort. What is important is to give all positive people a place to speak in favor of the truth. World Hijab Day is such an opportunity and the responses you received shows what a good idea this is. We, civil society, need to stand up for our rights among which freedom of women is one of the cardinal ones. Hijab is the choice of the woman. If she wants to wear it, there must be nobody who prevents her from doing so.”
Mirza Yawar Baig
International Speaker, Coach, Trainer and Author

I support WORLD HIJAB DAY because I hope women will not be discriminated for wearing the Hijab. A woman should not be criticized or looked upon differently just because she chooses to wear a hijab. People from other faith should learn to respect that.”
Carol Lee
Mrs. Universe 2013

I support world hijab day because I have heard enough stories of why hijabi women are being bullied and mocked just because they wear a hijab. I have been and still am being sarcastically mocked and insulted just because I chose to be a full time “hijabster” despite the fact that I have not reverted yet. Thanks for coming up with this 1st Feb!
Felixia Yeap
(ex-Playboy Bunny and ex-Playboy model)

One reason we really got interested with World Hijab Day is we know it will help us with our Bill Against Discrimination on account of ethnicity and religious belief. The best way to erase biases is to have people understand our way of life and there can be no better way to achieve this than have them experience it.”
Sitti Djalia Turabin-Hataman
AMIN, House of Representatives (Philippines)

I believe the concept of bringing attention to the modest attire that Islam encourages women to wear is something extremely positive and beneficial, especially in today’s fashion-obsessed and scantily-clad societies. Allah created us to love modesty, and modesty is a part of faith. Projects such as the ‘Word Hijab Day’ help us spread these values and showcase our religion in a positive manner.”
Dr. Yasir Qadhi
“One of the most influential conservative clerics in American Islam.”-New York Times Magazine

World Hijab Day is a beautiful initiative in which Muslim sisters can experience the beauty of Hijab and hopefully transition from a 1 day commitment to a lifetime commitment inshaAllah. It also gives Non-Muslims a chance to show their solidarity and learn what it’s like to be a Muslim woman.”
Sheikh Omar Suleiman
Director, Islamic Learning Foundation; Instructor, Mishkah University and Al- Maghrib Institute

World Hijab Day has shown my students a most powerful lesson in accepting individual differences.”
Dr. Arthur Flug
Former Executive Director, Kupferberg Holocaust Center

World Hijab Day is a moment to remind each other under the spirit of kindness. This is not a celebration, but a movement to respect and value each other, also to end discrimination. Indonesia, as a democratic nation which highly honors human rights, must then ideally set a position to appreciate diversity and say no to hijab discrimination.
Anies Baswedan
(Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia, 2014-2016)
This is indeed a great idea to empower, enlighten and break down barriers. Many Nigerian Muslim women will mark the occasion of the World Hijab Day to reflect on the situation that exists for them: the unwarranted hostility and discrimination they and their daughters have to suffer for making the free choice to put a piece of cloth on their heads. The organizers have succeeded in placing the hijab into its rightful place in both the public discourse and public consciousness.
Disu Kamor
Executive Chairman, Muslim Public Affairs Centre, Nigeria

World Hijab Day is a beautiful & peaceful initiative to create public awareness of the modest attire that Islam encourages women to wear. It’s not an act of worship nor a festival, but rather a powerful platform to spread the noble teachings & values of Islam globally.”
Sheikh Muiz Bukhary
CEO, Sakeenah Institute; Imaam & Khateeb (preacher), Wellawatte Jumu’ah Masjid in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Highlighting the choice of Hijaab being a legitimate right of women, politically empowers them and exposes the falsehood being propagated by the secular extremists that the hijaab degrades women and is forced upon them.”
Dr. Bilal Philips
Imaam/khateeb, Abu Hurairah Center Islamic Online University

World Hijab Day is such an important event and movement to help spread peace and awareness about the beauty of modesty with the hijab, to our Muslim sisters who wish to take the first step in wearing the hijab, let it be not a day but forever, Insha-Allah, and to our non-Muslim sisters, we welcome you to a day of embracing the hijab. We want the world to see and understand that by wearing the hijab, it is non-oppressive, but rather a freedom of expression to uphold our Islamic beliefs as a Muslimah (Muslim women).”
Mizz Nina
Award-winning Malaysian singer-songwriter
World Hijab Day is not a political demonstration but a celebration of those pious women around the world who chose to cover their bodies in submission to the Creator and in line with all the Prophets of monotheism and their female disciples. It is also a reminder of the critical importance of modesty and purity in human relations and the danger of an immoral, unjust world.”
Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick, PhD
Senior Lecturer, Islamic Institute of Toronto
Muslim women who choose to live a life of modesty, integrity and dignity following the example of Mary the mother of Jesus (as)and not the example of Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga. Keeping it real World Hijab Day.”
Br. Eddie
TV Host, The Deen Show
Hijab is not just a physical garment, rather it is a garment which symbolizes submission and spiritual upliftment that a Muslim woman strives to achieve each and every day of her life. World Hijab Day has certainly brought awareness to that. Allahu Akbar!”
Sheikh Musleh Khan
Director, Education at the Khalid bin Walid Mosque in Toronto Canada
World Hijab day: A day where women celebrate the right to be free to dress the way they want. A call to be treated fairly, and judged upon who they are rather than what they are.”
Sheikh Navaid Aziz
Family and youth counselor; Islamic Editor, Recess Kids magazine & Little Explorers magazine
World Hijab Day is important to me because it is a tool for education, and recognition of the honor, beauty and piety of Muslim ladies. Educating others about hijab and the ladies who wear it helps to break down social barriers and improve understanding while providing an opportunity to identify with females that are a part of the global family.”
Dr. Jawairriya Abdallah-Shahid
Education Consultant and author of Veiled Voices: Muhajabat in Secular Schools
World Hijab Day is a wonderful initiative and a noble platform for Muslim women empowerment.”
Yaqeen Ul Haq Ahmad
Executive Director, Inspire ME Global
Author, Activist, Motivational Speaker, Spiritualist, and Youth Counselor
World Hijab Day sounds a creative idea to melt some ice between Muslims and our neighbors. Best of success sister.”
Muhammad al-Shareef
Founder, Al-Magrib Institute
World Hijab Day aims to bridge gaps & connect diverse communities. Let’s take a step towards each other.”-
Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim
One of the most misunderstood aspects of our religion is the concept of Hijab. It is initiatives like the World Hijab Day that unveils the true essence of the Muslim veil and defends its values against recently surfacing socio-political debates on an international level.”
Abdul Malik Mohammad
Founder, Ilmster Seminars

Hijab freed me from my fickle and narcissistic addiction with fashion trends. It also freed me from the catish, negative, and competitive nature that hurts our sisterhood between sisters of all faiths. Hijab restored my ability as a woman with intellect, wisdom, and a good brain rather than being viewed as simply being an object of desire. World Hijab Day is a beautiful, safe, and loving way to share my choices with women everywhere.”
Fatima Omar aka Spiritual Biz Mom
Speaker and Author
I ask Allah to make “World Hijab Day” a key to goodness to the ones who work on it or who are part of it, and I ask Him, the most Generous, to make this project a key to fulfilling the goal of bringing awareness to the world about the meaning of Hijab and that the sisters have done it by choice & NOT by force or pressure, Ameen.”
Sr. Nada Rasheed
Quran Sciences, Tajweed, Parenting & Self development

For me, hijab is a savior. My savior when in sorrow, my savior when I am in my worst, and my savior in the afterlife. Hijab has changed my life to be a fashion Muslim designer and I want to show the world that hijab is a beauty, by show off all models with hijab in every fashion show, either in Muslim country or Non-Muslim country. There is no fault on wearing hijab and it is never too late for you to wear hijab, because hijab is a part of yourself. I’m happy to know that there is World Hijab Day that is celebrated around the world every year. I hope it will raise more awareness about hijab.”
Anniesa Hasibuan
(First designer to feature the hijab in every look in her collection at New York Fashion Week)

I support this endeavour to raise awareness of the life experiences of those Muslim women who do wear Islamic modest dress, and to reduce the prejudice, stigma, and discrimination that accompanies it in many places around the world.”
Dr. Rachel Woodlock
Muslim Feminist and Academic
The Commission on Human Rights encourages all individuals in the celebration of World Hijab Day to take the time to understand the significance of the hijab and to stand in solidarity with women facing discrimination all around the Philippines.”
Atty. Jacqueline Ann de Guia
Commission on Human Rights Spokesperson, Republic of the Philippines.
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