20 Reasons why the World Hijab Day Organization’s 30-Day Ramadan Hijab Challengeis a good idea:
1 – It raises awareness surrounding the hijab.
2 – It opens up a dialogue for those people who don’t usually wear it – Muslim and non Muslim.
3 – Raises awareness for World Hijab Day and our plight against prejudice, bigotry and religious hatred.
4 – Encourages Muslim women to try the hijab for a set period of time to see if they are ready to take that step.
5 – Gives non-Muslims a chance to walk in someone else’s shoes for more than just a day.
6 – Can raise money for charity – The World Hijab Day Organization.
7 – The more people who join in, the more hijabs are seen, in turn promoting tolerance.
8 – Promotes education regarding the Hijab – for those wearing it and those questioning it.
9 – It is an experience that will go beyond the 30 days – either Islamically or spiritually the participant will experience along their journey.
10 – The challenge will provide a sense of purpose for the participant and then a sense of achievement when completed.
11 – It gives participants the opportunity to meet new people. When they open a dialogue etc they may form new connections and friends.
12 – It is a show of solidarity to our Hijabi sisters worldwide.
13 – For Muslims taking part it will reep thawab (spiritual rewards) for their charitable efforts.
14 – For some, being covered can give them more self respect, regardless of religion.
15 – Can help people feel closer to God, regardless of religion.
16 – The bigger a movement gets the more impact it can have worldwide. Thus promoting the idea of tolerance even further.
17 – Covering yourself can give you an opportunity to focus more on yourself rather than how you look, it makes you take a deeper look into yourself.
18 – It provides a glimpse for non-Muslims to see what Hijabi women face on a day to day basis.
19 – This challenge is not about proving you are a ‘good Muslim’ or ‘purer and closer to God than others’. It is a Ramadan challenge providing an opportunity for everyone to join in for their own personal reasons regardless of religion. Ramadan is partly about making changes, facing challenges and sacrifice.
20 – It can empower women – making the choice to participate can empower you as a woman knowing you are supporting and promoting other women’s choices.
